Dear God,
Thank You once again for this beautiful morning,
Also, thank You for my family!
I am so happy to be with them.
I pray that I can help them in any way that I can!
Lord, I know that I am bouncing back and forth with many things, such as business, writing a book, writing blogs, and regular work.
I can be confused about what to concentrate on and what to spend less time.
The work is giving me the paycheck and the benefits, but it is not keeping me busy.
Writing is fun, but I can spend so much time on it before I get bored.
The business can be beneficial. However, I don’t have any revenue coming in.
As mentioned in my previous pages, I need to spend more time on the business.
I also need to spend more time on the writing.
I enjoy the writing the most.
Lord, Thank You for the dream last night that I was given my “pink slip” at work. Then, I was in another place and given something to do to clear my name.
I had to prove my innocence.
That was a wild dream.
I know that You can translate the dream if you like.
I always pray for a creative mind and peace in my heart.
God, I know that you can give it to me!
I pray that You please forgive me for my sins!
In Jesus name!
P.S. Lord, I always pray that this writing will help at least one person!!